Thursday, May 6, 2010


by the way. you loose the game.

sketch book

techno punk

sory, but i do not have a better picture of this painting yet. it is currently hanging up at occ (orange coast college) in the student show right now. i will get a beater photo of this painting after the show is over.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blood drinker sketch

blood drinker

blood drinker started as a hand sketch i did a few months ago while working on some concepts for monster design. so to day while i was scanning some of my faves from my sketch book, i decided to use him to try out a coloring technique.

sketch book 1

just me messing around with color.

sketch book

Jon Measures

Thursday, April 15, 2010


draw and submit your own token.

magic the gathering (mtg) blank tokens

so have you found that you do no own the tokens you need? well your budy meko here has your anser. blank tokens. simply print this jpeg file on an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper cut them out, fill in the information, draw in the pick of the creature and shizam. you have the token creature of your choice.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


so i have not bin posting much and i failed to do my artist of the week. so i have generic excuse of being busy or caught up with school and/or work. that is what most bloggers will type in response to falling behind on the goals they set for them selves.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

turtle on rock in koy pond.

info for next painting


so I'm now learning adobe illustrator.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

class work

This is an incomplete copy of cat dragon. I thought it would be funny to take my vary friendly cat and tern her into a mean monster.

spell book

just me screwing around in photo-shop again. i was taking pics with a camera, and when i was looking them over i thought to my self, that picture reminds me of a magic card.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

the tower

this was me screwing around in photo shop.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni by Wayne Reynolds

and there is my favorite Nazumi illustrated by Wayne.

artist of the week part 2: Wayne Reynolds
wayne is a fantisy artist know for his work with varies game companys. such Wizards of the Coast, Osprey Publishing, Games Workshop and others. i am to lazy to list them all. just go to his wed site. It will do him more justice than what i can.

need a hand

Monday, February 15, 2010

artist of the week part 1

jon measures at or
now i dident make jon my first artist of the week because he is my teacher and i wont to suck up for a good grade in his class. ok maybe i did, but he is a rilly talented artist to. so chekout his work.
road trip.

this was the first pic in a story board i did for a college film a couple of years ago. i never did get see that film.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


test. sweet it worked